Brian hasn't been doing much solo work of late, but focusing on more collaboration work. The internet can be a strange and wonderful thing - and one of it's many varied uses is to bring musicians together. Though CD Number Three will eventually come out, these pages are devoted to the collaborations and works in progress. Enjoy!

The pictures to the left are people and places along the way, enjoy!

Song The Sultan Boogie
Completed 01/07/04
Location: Graham, WA

Piano Written/Performed by: Brian McAdams
Bass/Drums, Written/Performed by: Bobby Watson
Lead Guitar Written/Performed by: Mark Conners

Song Info: This was a contest entry for an online radio station - to create a snappy lead-in to the show (still awaiting word if it won!).
Song I'll Dream of You
Completed 12/21/03
Location: Graham, Washington

Lyrics: Melody Mercado
Vocals: Brian McAdams
Music Written & Performed: Brian McAdams

Song Info: Brian came upon these lyrics while checking out some new collaboration sites, and was inspired to put them to music. This being a very personal song to the writer, it was important to get it "right". A very melancholy song, it's the first time Brian tried this type of singing, veering away from his normal bluesy tones.
Song Without You, video Video version
Completed 09/27/03
Location: Langenbrücken, Germany

Lyrics Written & Performed: Paul Townsend
Music Written & Performed: Brian McAdams

Song Info: We were excited to go to stay with Paul and his family in Germany, as he's one of our favorite online musicians (and people!). In addition to getting to meet him and spend the weekend at his new home, Brian & Paul wrote this song in just one day.
Song Off the Beaten Track

Lyrics Written & Performed: Paul Townsend
Music Written & Performed: Brian McAdams

Song Info: Brian's first collaboration with Paul, long awaited (Paul isn't fond of blues). Wonderfully smooth song mixing Paul's vocals with Brian's guitar. I may be biased - but I say winning combo every time!
video Collaborating in Scotland
Taped 09/24/03
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

Norman Harris & Brian McAdams

Song Info: As well as taking the "portable recording studio" (aka - laptop with VERY nice external soundcard), we also took our video camera on our trip. This video was shot in our Edinburgh flat. Someday maybe this will turn into a song...
Completed 02/28/03
Location: Graham, WA

Lyrics Written/Performed: Brian McAdams Piano Written/Performed: LearJeff
Lead Guitar Written/Performed: Tom Hicks
Other Music Written/Performed: Brian McAdams

Song Info: Acoustic "Front Porch Blues" type of song, this was an online collaboration via Collaboration Central
This website, graphics and scripts are copyright ©2001-2007 Laurey McAdams (Semi-Stix Studio) and all music within it are copyright ©2001-2007 Brian McAdams (Semi-Stix Studio) unless otherwise noted. Any reproduction other than for personal listening and viewing is STRICTLY forbidden without prior written permission.

If you have other nefarious uses in mind, please feel free to ask.. the worst thing that can happen is that we say no :P

Remember: Just because you downloaded it doesn't make it yours.

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