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No Love Album Cover

The long awaited (a whole year!) second CD from Brian McAdams titled 'No Love'. As with his previous album Time to Go, this CD is also available for download. We have decreased the file sizes for quicker download. If you prefer, you can purchase this CD.

Brian wanted a simple/clean sound on this album - drums, guitar, bass, and vocals. It is a little different from Time to Go, but still recognizable as 'Brians Stuff'.

We hope you enjoy the site, and the music.

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Want some wallpaper? We have 2 offerings for you.

TtG Wallpaper
Time to Go Wallpaper
800 x 600
TtG/NL Wallpaper
Time to Go and
No Love Wallpaper
1152 x 864
Semi-Stix Studio This website, graphics and scripts are copyright ©2001-2007 Laurey McAdams (Semi-Stix Studio) and all music within it are copyright ©2001-2007 Brian McAdams (Semi-Stix Studio) unless otherwise noted. Any reproduction other than for personal listening and viewing is STRICTLY forbidden without prior written permission.

If you have other nefarious uses in mind, please feel free to ask.. the worst thing that can happen is that we say no :P

Remember: Just because you downloaded it doesn't make it yours.

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